Sunday 19 October 2008

Week 3: 19/10/08

As I have previously mentioned I want a continuity through each of the images. Below are some images from artists who are personal favorites of mine. These give some indication of the style of the work I want to produce. Though I consider the work of these artists to be outstanding, I believe its important to aim high.

Although all these artist work is unique it does share some key similarities. These include strong colours and cartoon styling. I believe these are all traits that could be transferred into 3D max program.

Week 3

I now need to start thinking about what sort of imagery can be associated with the months I have chosen. After looking at another students research, I have produced a table to illustrate a few more details about the specific events I want my images to focus on:

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Week 3

After some consideration I have made my preliminary decision on which months I would like to use. Although this might change over the course of the semester. My three months for the moment are as follows:




The key reason for choosing these three months is that they will allow me to produce 3 distinct images. Each month has a distinct event tied with it allowing me to produce images that will be easy to associate the months. I want the three illustrate the following:




These choices will now allow me to come up with 3 images that can be directly associated with the months they represent. The next stage will be to find examples of the kind of imagery that you would associate with these events and form this start to design the images I will produce in 3D Max.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Week 2 01-09-08

Getting Started


'Calenders have multiple uses; as an aid memoire, as a form of decoration, a
personal statement, and even a form of promotion. These days there are many
variations of calender, from the sayings of George Bush, promotion of the local Indian takeaway to different types of dogs.

you are to produce three 3d still images to represent three different months of the year of your choice. What it is that you associate with those months? what is the weather like? what seasonal holidays occur? what types of flowers are in bloom etc? The images you produce should be an evocative representation of that time of year.'

The Brief raises a number of questions. We need to create 3 distinct seasons but they are intended for the use of one calender there also needs to be some continuity between them. I need to think about the style of the pieces how they will tie together yet retain their individuality. I also need to consider how which 3 months to use. I will spend the next week or so researching possibilities and looking for inspiration.